- When logging a call the Mitel Tech Support you can include some helpful logs
- On the UCA client click on the mitel symbol and choose “Send problem Report”
- Enter some details in the box that appears and click “Send Report”
- This then creates a file on the MAS/UCA server called “feedback_timedate_message”
- To get this file goto “view log files” on the MAS/UCA and use the dropdown menu
to choose the file, then select download from the option below - Send to mitel with your ticket
Month: November 2013
How to use UCA remotly with a Desk Phone
This has changed in version 6 UCA
- First you need an Mitel Border Gateway (MBG) with Web proxy
- In Ver5.0 you programme the client as softphone as well as the normal desk phone
- Programme the soft phone DN as any free number and enter the MBG external IP address
- Click “Retreive the certificate” and get the administrator to approve the certificate in the MBG
- After cert has been “approved” you should get a message telling you so in the UCA client
- In the MBG add a minet user with the DN you used in the client
Help on timers for re-routing, recall and forwarding
- Scenario A: Call comes in on trunk hits nupoint AutoAttendent,
option 1 is choosen and call is blind transfered to an extension.
After a time of no answer the call is “recalled” to the AutoAttendent.
Which timer is used: As the call in on the trunk it uses the COS of the trunk. - What timer is used for “MultiCall delay-ring”? It uses the phones COS option “Delay Ring Timer”
- When using Re-route “first alternative” which timer is used? The phones COS “Call FWD no answer timer”
- When using Re-route “Second alternative” which timer is used? System options/Call Re-routing Timer
The COS “Call Forward – No Answer Timer” determines the length of time a call will ring a station before it is forwarded to the next programmed destination. The timer is reset each time the call is forwarded.
The System Option “Call Rerouting Timer” determines the length of time from initial call setup until the unanswered call is rerouted to the destination programmed in the Call Rerouting Second Alternatives form. The timer remains active through all COS-controlled call forward programming that may be activated at the destination station
More help
Assuming SX2K or 3300:
If the key appearance is also a PRIME number on a set somewhere then it’s call rerouting on first alternate will be controlled by the COS of the set where it is prime. Call reroute second alternate will always be controlled by the call rerouting timer in the system options assignment form. 2nd alternate destination is not controlled by class of service.
With no call reroute 1st or 2nd alternate, then user-programmed forwarding (if any) takes over. However, user-programmed forwarding only applies to the PRIME number. In this case the amount of ring time on each instrument in a daisy-chained string of multiple forward hops will be determined by the COS of each set in the chain. With daisy-chained user-forwarding all forward hops must be prime numbers except the final destination can be a softkey.
Black magic comes into play when we begin dealing with extensions that are not prime (anywhere) and appear only as softkey appearances.
In the first place, key appearances that are softkeys only and do not have a prime appearance anywhere cannot be user-forwarded, period. Please note the period. They can only be rerouted via the call rerouting tables.
However, CLASS OF SERVICE still comes into play. What determines the class of service of a “softkey” is the class of service assigned to the instrument where the softkey first appears. To find out, look at the MULTILINE SET GROUP (MU S G) assignment form for the softkey extension you’re interested in. This form will show the PRIME EXTENSIONS of all sets where the softkey appears. The first set in the list is the one that governs class of service behavior of the softkey.
What version of CSM do i have?
Forgot/Lost admin password or account on CCM/vCSM
- Run “SQL server management studio” and login
- Browes to “Databases/CCMData/Programmability/Stored Procedures/”
- Find “dbo.proc_Config_Employee_CreateAdminAccount”
- right click on this and select execute stored procedure.
- Enter a 1 in the value field then OK it.
- This should now create a user default admin employee called _admin _password
Why wont my vCCM collect any ACD data or SMDR data?
- Make sure the correct computer name is entered in “This media server is installed on the computer you named …..”
- Check the registry setting “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\prairieFyre Software Inc\CCM\Common”
- Reboot server
- If still no good re-run the configuration wizard making no changes
- Note: Non 64bit OS miss out the “wow6432node” bit
How do i use putty on a MITEL Standard Linux server (MSL)?
How do i trouble shoot SIP trunks on Mitel Border Gateway (MBG)?
- Type this in on putty root logon
- tcpdump -s0 -i eth0 -w testsip.pcap .Useful examples
- eth0 is the NIC, if you have two NIC’s in your MBG then you may want to use eth1
- Start it running before making test call and stop it running after with “Control C”
- then sftp it with winsftp and open testsip.pcap in wireshark (my mirror –winscp517setup)
- Also on MCD 5.0 and above you can now do “Sip TCPDump on/off” in the maintanence commands
- This creates a file in the “vmail” directory on the mitel
- Ftp to the mitel which will put you in the “sysro” directory.
You need to go one directory up to get the the vmail directory - Same logon to FTP as phone system
Note Gamma Tech Support number = 0808 178 8000 option 1, 1, 2
Update June 2021
The newer veisons of MBG have a useful feature that splits the wireshark capture in to managable file sizes
Here is an example of how to do the same via TCPDUMP on the older version of MBG that dont have this feature
I had a customer where they had 1000’s of phones connecting to 2 x MIVB with 2 x MBG SBC’s accross 10’s of sites
When they had a speech quality issue and i needed to prove the speech was poor before it got the MBGSBC i started a wireshark capture.
Of course the file got far to be far to quickly.
To try and remendy this i needed to filter the capture to only collect the packets going to the particular phone subnets
As well as the packets going ot he phone system so i could capture the signalling
tcpdump -n \(net or net or net\) -C 500 -W 20 -w sbc1.pcap -Z root
-n = do not look up DNS for the IP’s
net = include all packets coming from and to that subnet
net = include all packets coming from and to that subnet
net = include all packets going to and from the phone system
-C 500 = file size limit
-W 20 = number of files to create before rolling over (Note the upper case)
-w sbc1.pcap = file name to write too (once the first file has reached 500mb the next file is created with a 01 appended)
-Z root = file permission ( you will get permission denied with out this)
This should collect all the RTP going through the MBGSBC as well as the SIP signalling to and from the MIVB
so you can still use wireshark to inspect and filter the captured file like i explained in these posts 1 2 3