This one had me going for a few hours.
When a user tried to login to Micollab via the legacy app or webcleint an error would show invalid credencials. But we know that the credencials are correct as the user could login to the Micollab portal!
When i logged in to the server i was presented with an error advising the licneses had expired! and that 75 Micollab licneses had been removed!
First thing was to check it could still sync with AMC. Before i clicked sync I saw no errors of previous sync attempts failing. Pressed sync and surprise, it sync’d fine.
User were still unable to login.
OK. Must be a licence issue some where. So i deactived the account and removed hardware ID and re sync’d. Sever sync’d fine
Same error
Created new account and that worked fine!
In the end i found that even though the licences had been returned after the AMC sync the Micollab user accounts had not been enabled!

Once i enabled them by ticking the box next to the name then clicking “Activate” on the top right it worked again
This can be found in Micollab client services/accounts on the Micollab server