Visual voice in MiCollab client and NUpoint

Just had an issue where some of the MiCollab clients could not see their voicemails in the visual voice window.

I knew I had it set correctly as all accounts were using same licenses and FCOS

The client icon would change in the system tray and a tape reel icon would appear in the top right hand of the client but know message in the window

Besides this issue the client worked fine

What I eventually found out was that all clients that were working had Windows Media Player installed. WMP.

I saw in the release notes that it is a pre-requisite

The “N” version of windows does not have MWP installed in default but I believe you can add it on manually

The version the customer had was “Enterprise” but it had no WMP. May be a custom install image was used.

How to stop MCA prompting upgrade every time you start UCA

  1. When ever you start UCA a prompt appears to upgrade the MCA software
  2. This appears because the UCA thinks you have an older MCA
  3. To “refresh” the UCA about the MCA web browes to the UCA
  4. Click “Configure” then choose the AWC/MCA tab along the top
  5. You should have yout AWC configured in this tab
  6. Click refresh button next to the configured path of the AWC/MCA
  7. You will see the figures chnage at the bottom of the page.
  8. Now the UCA and AWC/MCA have the correct versions for each other


Trouble shooting UCA

  1. When logging a call the Mitel Tech Support you can include some helpful logs
  2. On the UCA client click on the mitel symbol and choose “Send problem Report”
  3. Enter some details in the box that appears and click “Send Report”
  4. This then creates a file on the MAS/UCA server called “feedback_timedate_message”
  5. To get this file goto “view log files” on the MAS/UCA and use the dropdown menu
    to choose the file, then select download from the option below
  6. Send to mitel with your ticket

How to use UCA remotly with a Desk Phone

This has changed in version 6 UCA

  1. First you need an Mitel Border Gateway (MBG) with Web proxy
  2. In Ver5.0 you programme the client as softphone as well as the normal desk phone
  3. Programme the soft phone DN as any free number and enter the MBG external IP address
  4. Click “Retreive the certificate” and get the administrator to approve the certificate in the MBG
  5. After cert has been “approved” you should get a message telling you so in the UCA client
  6. In the MBG add a minet user with the DN you used in the client

UCA-RemoteProxyServices UCA-Certificate UCA-EnableTeleworker