Log into the MSL using putty.
If you don’t know how to then check out this earlier post
Log in a “root” and use same password as “admin” (Normally)
Log into the MSL using putty.
If you don’t know how to then check out this earlier post
Log in a “root” and use same password as “admin” (Normally)
If you have a pfx file you will need to decrypt it (unless you are on the latest version on MSL)
If the file was named wildcard certificate the instructions would be something like the below
You will need the password to decrypt the pfx file. This was created the same time as the certificate
The old address is https://uca.mycompany.co.uk/ucweb
The new address is https://uca.mycompany.co.uk/ucs/webclient
Just had an issue where some of the MiCollab clients could not see their voicemails in the visual voice window.
I knew I had it set correctly as all accounts were using same licenses and FCOS
The client icon would change in the system tray and a tape reel icon would appear in the top right hand of the client but know message in the window
Besides this issue the client worked fine
What I eventually found out was that all clients that were working had Windows Media Player installed. WMP.
I saw in the release notes that it is a pre-requisite
The “N” version of windows does not have MWP installed in default but I believe you can add it on manually
The version the customer had was “Enterprise” but it had no WMP. May be a custom install image was used.
This has changed in version 6 UCA