Help with MBG SIP traces – Wireshark display filters

I dont’t know why i didnt research this before but you can look for calls by the CLI using the wireshark display filters

  • show SIP packets to/from this number: sip contains 01684595000
  • show SIP packets to this number: sip.To contains 01684595000
  • show SIP packets from this number: sip.From contains 01684595000

So instead of serching through an endless list of calls for the one you are looking for

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Micollab Deployment test

When running a diagnostic test on the deployment profile it does three tests. The third test is checking for connection from to your micollab server on TCP port 36008 (through your MBG web proxy possibly)

You can test this manually via web browsing to this URL: FQDN of the Micollab server


The web page should show “{“msg”:”(200 OK)”}” Anything else means the connection is blocked

e.g “Incomplete response received from application” is a response i got when the port was blocked by the firewall