Author: Paul
Mitel 3300 Java wont allow backups
The new versions of JAVA wont allow you to connect to web sites with self assigned certificates.
Open the JAVA config programme
Click “Edit site list”
Add the https:// address of the 3300 ( Must be https)
Click Add, then OK until application closed.
Now you will be able to take a backup
How to use ULM
Nupoint FCOS to get CLI on voicemails
How to use “tail” in MSL log files
Have you ever needed to look at the last entries in a log file.
Of course you have.
For example you want to see the last errors in the /var/logs/mail.log file
If you open it with NANO or some other txt editing programme you will have to scroll all the way to the bottom.
AND if more entries are logged while you are already in the file you will not see them!
This is a pain
“Tail” is very useful because in its simplest form
tail /var/logs/mail.log
It will show you the last 10 lines of txt form the log file
If you add the -f command it will follow the file. Meaning if any lines are added to the log file they will appear real time
tail -f /var/logs/mail.log
Use the “-F” option to force tail to follow file names rather than file objects. This can prevent problems with log rotation and other programs that may alter file names.
Filter Lines in Followed Logs with grep
The grep tool can be combined with tail to filter the contents of a log file in real time. Consider the following examples:
tail -F procmail.log | grep -e “^Subject”
tail -F access.log | grep “404″
In the first command, only the lines of the procmail.log file that begin with the characters “Subject” are printed. All other lines are discarded.
In the second invocation, only entries from the access log that contain the characters “404″ will be printed. All other lines are discarded.
-n, –lines=N
output the last N lines, instead of the last 10
–retry, keep trying to open a file even if it is inaccessible when tail starts or if it becomes inaccessible later – useful only with -f
[hdvideo id=23]
Mitel IP Dect
[wpfilebase tag=file id=2 tpl=download-button /]
Using putty as a socks5 proxy
You can use the MBG to VPN to a customers network but this is another trick in your box.
From your office putty into the external address of the MBG
(This has to be allowed in the remote access section of MSL)
Setup tunnels in Putty, see below, copy this and click Add. Make sure to choose “dynamic” and “Auto”
As some of the Mitel kit requires Internet explorer(IE) i will use it as my example.
In IE choose internet options, connections,LAN settings
Now you can web browse to any web site on the customer network, including the 3300, MBG, Nupoint, ETC
How to CHECKSUM a file
Recently i have had a couple of bad downloads from the Mitel download site. Unfortunatley i did not know until i came to use the ISO.
Mitel Provide the CHECKSUM number for all there downloads.
To find the CHECKSUM of a file you will need to download one of the many UTILS available
I use Microsoft’s Checker
This will give you two files FCIV.exe is the useful one.
Open a command prompt
Drop the FCIV.exe file into the command prompt window then type ” -add ”
Then drag and drop the ISO you want the CHECKSUM of into the CMD window
It should look something like this
Then press enter and it when finsihed it will look like this (length of time depends on how big the file is)
Now check that number against the number displayed on the download page of MITEL next to the download link
How to mount ISO as CDROM
This is useful for vMAS. Instead of transfering the ISO to the datastore of your VMWARE server, tranfer it to the mas via SFTP then mount the iso with these command.
I use it when installing the Nupoint DVD_2.
Procedure to mount ISO images under Linux
1) You must login as a root user, if not root user then switch to root user using following command:
$ su -
2) Create the directory i.e. mount point:
# mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom
3) Use mount command as follows to mount iso file called disk1.iso:
# mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/cdrom
4) Change directory to list files stored inside an ISO image:
# cd /mnt/cdrom
# ls -l
5) When finished you can unmount the cdrom
# umount /cdrom
More about loop device
A loop device is a pseudo-device that makes a file accessible as a block device. Loop devices are often used for CD ISO images and floppy disc images. Mounting a file containing a filesystem via such a loop mount makes the files within that filesystem accessible. They appear in the mount point directory using above commands
Mitel 3300 LOST ROOT admin password
Have you lost the ROOT password for the system?!
If you have another user with “system” access you can try running
RESET_LOGIN_PASSWORD “username” from the Maintenance page
ResetLoginPassword from putty RAW port 2002
from the RS232 port on the front
Example from telnet = ResetLoginPassword system
More information
This should be done from the maintainance port, if you are only connected via IP then open Putty and open a RAW connection to the controller on port 2002 then type…
4.1 and above:-
type the command ResetAllLoginPasswords (see Below)
-> ResetAllLoginPasswords
Attempting to Reset Password for all System Admin Users.
The password has been successfully reset to default password ‘password’ for User
Resetting Password for all System Admin Users complete.
value = 0 = 0x0
If you know the user name that you wish to reset you can do this using the following
-> ResetLoginPassword “system”
Attempting to Reset Password for User ‘system’.
The password has been successfully reset to default password ‘password’ for User
value = 0 = 0x0