How to enable “Record a call” feature on Nupoint”

  • 3300 Programming
    1. Create some Record a call ports (RAC)
    2. Device type 5420 with the same COS settings as the voicemail ports
    3. Add the RAC ports to the same huntgroup as the voicemail ports (put them at the end)
    4. Create another hunt group, circular, with just the RAC ports, type recorder
    5. Programme a RAC button under the phones that want to use this feature
    6. Add the COS option “RAC Active=yes” to the phones COS
    7. There are more RAC features in the COS enable as required

*This way the ports can still be used by the voicemail but only after all others are used

  • Nu point programming
    1. Firstly make sure you have the license
    2. You need a normal voicemail line group with the RAC ports last
    3. Customise a FCOS to include the RAC feature bit 291
    4. For MAS deloyments add the feature bit 14
    5. Assign the FCOS to all the mailboxes that will use the RAC feature

How to enable “dial back” feature on NUpoint

  1. To give the mailbox user an option to dial back the person who left them a voicemail…
  2. Create a new FCOS and tick the following FCOS features: 270 Enable Dial-Back Feature
  3. Allows users to dial back a caller who leaves a voice mail.
  4. Used in conjunction with feature bits
  5. 263 (Store Caller Line Id as a phone or mailbox number )
  6. 264 (Play outside caller user interface (with FCOS bit 280))
  7. and 280 (Enable CLI outside caller interface (with FCOS bit 264))
  8. to enable the Dial-back feature.
  9. Dont forget to allocate the new FCOS to the mailboxes that rewuested the feature
  10. The voicemail ports will need to have the correct COR on the 3300 to allow outgoing calls

How to stop MCA prompting upgrade every time you start UCA

  1. When ever you start UCA a prompt appears to upgrade the MCA software
  2. This appears because the UCA thinks you have an older MCA
  3. To “refresh” the UCA about the MCA web browes to the UCA
  4. Click “Configure” then choose the AWC/MCA tab along the top
  5. You should have yout AWC configured in this tab
  6. Click refresh button next to the configured path of the AWC/MCA
  7. You will see the figures chnage at the bottom of the page.
  8. Now the UCA and AWC/MCA have the correct versions for each other


Trouble shooting UCA

  1. When logging a call the Mitel Tech Support you can include some helpful logs
  2. On the UCA client click on the mitel symbol and choose “Send problem Report”
  3. Enter some details in the box that appears and click “Send Report”
  4. This then creates a file on the MAS/UCA server called “feedback_timedate_message”
  5. To get this file goto “view log files” on the MAS/UCA and use the dropdown menu
    to choose the file, then select download from the option below
  6. Send to mitel with your ticket

How to use UCA remotly with a Desk Phone

This has changed in version 6 UCA

  1. First you need an Mitel Border Gateway (MBG) with Web proxy
  2. In Ver5.0 you programme the client as softphone as well as the normal desk phone
  3. Programme the soft phone DN as any free number and enter the MBG external IP address
  4. Click “Retreive the certificate” and get the administrator to approve the certificate in the MBG
  5. After cert has been “approved” you should get a message telling you so in the UCA client
  6. In the MBG add a minet user with the DN you used in the client

UCA-RemoteProxyServices UCA-Certificate UCA-EnableTeleworker