Visual voice in MiCollab client and NUpoint

Just had an issue where some of the MiCollab clients could not see their voicemails in the visual voice window.

I knew I had it set correctly as all accounts were using same licenses and FCOS

The client icon would change in the system tray and a tape reel icon would appear in the top right hand of the client but know message in the window

Besides this issue the client worked fine

What I eventually found out was that all clients that were working had Windows Media Player installed. WMP.

I saw in the release notes that it is a pre-requisite

The “N” version of windows does not have MWP installed in default but I believe you can add it on manually

The version the customer had was “Enterprise” but it had no WMP. May be a custom install image was used.

SQLExpress – What to do when the database is near full




If SQL Express is used in the CCM/IQ environment, it imposes a 4gb capacity (or 10gb for SQLExpress 2008 R2) to each database. After a certain period of time, the database will fill up to its maximum. The amount of time until the maximum capacity is reach depends on the amount of the site traffic / amount of data collected or the amount of historical data present in the database.

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MCD Maximum SMDR connections

How many SMDR connections can i have to the MCD

We have come accross some sites where they have a CCM and a Call logger and a Voice recorder which all connect on port 1752 to the SMDR

When you try an connect a second CCM the SMDR connections fails.


In default MCD version 5 (think its higher in version 7) is set to allow 3 connections

SMDR set to 3

As it says below in the help file this can be changed to 10. Requires a reboot.


smdr connects change