Log into the MSL using putty.
If you don’t know how to then check out this earlier post
Log in a “root” and use same password as “admin” (Normally)
Log into the MSL using putty.
If you don’t know how to then check out this earlier post
Log in a “root” and use same password as “admin” (Normally)
Nupoint miss dialling?
Here is what you need to do.
to set event recorder up you will need to access NuPoint text console.
Caller arrives at voicemail to leave a message when they have finished leaving a message the Nupoint gives them options to leave another message or return to the operator.
Of course in certain situations you don’t want callers to go through to the operator. E.G. Out of working hours
You have prgrammed a destination in the mailbox for when the caller dials 0 for the operator but it does not transfer and instead asks you for the password to the mailbox
Callflows for mailboxes can be found in
use winscp or other secure ftp client to download the files either for backup or copy to another mailbox / system.
Useful tool to turn on/off MWI lamps from the MAS/Nupoint console.
Logon to MAS via putty – if you don’t know how, see my other post
Instead of logging on as “admin” use “root” with the same password
type – “slight”
It will prompt you for a mailbox number
You can then turn light on, off, and set to current value.
In another putty window you can use command “vccs -m”
This will show you live commands being sent to the phone system
Just had an issue where some of the MiCollab clients could not see their voicemails in the visual voice window.
I knew I had it set correctly as all accounts were using same licenses and FCOS
The client icon would change in the system tray and a tape reel icon would appear in the top right hand of the client but know message in the window
Besides this issue the client worked fine
What I eventually found out was that all clients that were working had Windows Media Player installed. WMP.
I saw in the release notes that it is a pre-requisite
The “N” version of windows does not have MWP installed in default but I believe you can add it on manually
The version the customer had was “Enterprise” but it had no WMP. May be a custom install image was used.
Message waiting light is going out even when voice mails have not been listened to.
System has a setting which turns the lights off after 24hours is default programming
Change /remove timer