Very occasionally you need to get a voicemail or greeting from an old Mitel backup.
Officially you would need to restore the backup and get the message out .
Continue readingVery occasionally you need to get a voicemail or greeting from an old Mitel backup.
Officially you would need to restore the backup and get the message out .
Continue reading
Have you ever needed to know which MCD version works with which CCM version
see table below
Since version MCD6 you have been able to Hot desk with 5604 SIP handsets
I recently tried to setup this up and failed.
Below is what i changed to make it work.
The two important bits are “Local R key handling” & Coder = 20 MS & “Enable Supplementry services”
Also to change the handset into Hot desk you will need a WINPDM cradle with software
How many SMDR connections can i have to the MCD
We have come accross some sites where they have a CCM and a Call logger and a Voice recorder which all connect on port 1752 to the SMDR
When you try an connect a second CCM the SMDR connections fails.
In default MCD version 5 (think its higher in version 7) is set to allow 3 connections
As it says below in the help file this can be changed to 10. Requires a reboot.
Incoming calls on an analogue line ring to the caller 3 rings before they start ringing on the Mitel handsets Continue reading
Message waiting light is going out even when voice mails have not been listened to.
System has a setting which turns the lights off after 24hours is default programming
Change /remove timer
Have you lost the ROOT password for the system?!
If you have another user with “system” access you can try running
RESET_LOGIN_PASSWORD “username” from the Maintenance page
ResetLoginPassword from putty RAW port 2002
from the RS232 port on the front
Example from telnet = ResetLoginPassword system
More information
This should be done from the maintainance port, if you are only connected via IP then open Putty and open a RAW connection to the controller on port 2002 then type…
4.1 and above:-
type the command ResetAllLoginPasswords (see Below)
-> ResetAllLoginPasswords
Attempting to Reset Password for all System Admin Users.
The password has been successfully reset to default password ‘password’ for User
Resetting Password for all System Admin Users complete.
value = 0 = 0x0
If you know the user name that you wish to reset you can do this using the following
-> ResetLoginPassword “system”
Attempting to Reset Password for User ‘system’.
The password has been successfully reset to default password ‘password’ for User
value = 0 = 0x0