Where can i download the Micollab PC client application from?

  • The Micollab client location is included in the welcome email or the deployment email as long as the email template has been edited by the installer to include the link
  • You can also download it direct from your Micollab server
  • The Legacy app (version 7.3 and below) is available from https://FQDN/ucs/dl/UnifiedCommunicatorAdvanced.msi (CaSe SeNsItIve)
  • The Next Gen app (version 8.0 and above) is available from https://FQDN/ucs/dl/micollab_pc.msi (CaSe SeNsItIve)
  • Skype for business plugin – https://FQDN/ucs/dl/MitelMivoiceForLync.msi (CaSe SeNsItIve)


You can also download the lastest Micollab client direct from Mitel here

You can also extract the RPM for Mitel server from the ISO MiCollab PC Client 9.8.21.iso.

Once downloaded extract the package (unzip) so you have a default folder called “Software”

Click on the “Software” folder -> 6000MAS -> Blade-MiCollab_PCClient-X.X.XX-XX.noarch -> packages – several individual packages will be visible now.