Mitel Nupoint transfer to operator


You have prgrammed a destination in the mailbox for when the caller dials 0 for the operator but it does not transfer and instead asks you for the password to the mailbox


Mitel User Group | Mitel User Group


Configure for Transfer to a System Attendant
This procedure describes how to configure a server so a caller can press 0 for transferring to an attendant.

Procedure Steps

1. Reach the NuPoint Voice Configuration Main Menu: from the Main Menu, select (S) System Maintenance, (R) Reconfiguration, and then (R) Reconfigure System

2. Go to the NuPoint Voice Configuration Online Menu in the active or inactive configuration. Select Inactive Configuration if you just made a change through the Offline Menu without activating it, or Active Configuration otherwise.

Select: (E) Modify Active Configuration


(F) Modify Inactive Configuration

3. When the NuPoint Voice Configuration Online Menu appears, specify the line group to which this function applies.

Select: (G) Group Selected

Prompt: Enter a group number =

Response: The number of the line group (1-24),


Press Enter if the current number is correct.

4. In the application menu, select (M) Modify Application and then (Z) Dial String and Mailbox menu.

5. Specify the system attendant’s extension.

Select: (A) System Attendant’s Extension

Prompt: Attendant extension number (0 – 24 chars) =

Response: System attendant’s PBX extension number plus dial string codes. Valid dial string codes are listed in Table 1.


A period(.) to disable the system attendant’s extension function.

6. Specify the attendant’s transfer string or PBX pre-directory number.

Select: (B) Attendant’s Transfer String

Prompt: Attendant xfer string / PBX pre directory number (0-10 chars) =

Response: A characterfrom Table 1 to describe all the dialing steps that the PBX must take to dial the system or mailbox attendant’s extension number. This code is represented by the “attendant extension pre-dial index” in the mailbox set-up.

7. Return to the NuPoint Voice Application Menu.

8. Enable the 0 key for transfer.

Select: (K) Key_0 for AttendantTransfer During Greeting

Prompt: Key_0 for attendanttransfer during greeting (y/n) =

Response: Y to allow a caller to press 0 during (as well as after) a greeting, or

N to allow a caller to press 0 only after a greeting has played. This also allows the caller to log into the mailbox, by pressing 0 or star (*).

9. Save the parameter settings by exiting to the Main Menu


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