How to: Extract Greetings from Call Director


1. Log into NPM as root via putty.
2. Navigate to /usr/vm/val5/Callflows using “cd /usr/vm/val5/Callflows”
3. Use cat command to view callflow that contains greeting you want using “cat mbox_XXXX.xml” where XXXX in mailbox number.
1. Log into NPM as root via winscp.
2. Navigate to ” /usr/vm/val5/Callflows/ ” .
3. Find callflow you are trying to copy greeting from (they are in form “mbox_XXXX.xml” where XXXX is mailbox number) and right click and select Edit.

Then in Putty:-
4. You will have to search through the file to find the message you want, you are looking for something like the following, ideally have a look at the Callflow in the web gui to find what Node the message you want is in :-

What you need then is the message id.

5. Then use adpcmget {{messageID}} to save message to a wav file e.g “adpcmget 268467497”. This will copy the file to 268467497.wav in whatever folder you are in, ideally once you know what message id you need change directory to /tmp and then run the command.
6. File can then be sftp’ed off of the server.

Right Click and edit / View:
The following will be shown:

Log in with root credentials with putty:
Enter command adpcmget (plus the message number) e.g. in this case:

Press enter – and the following is returned:

Go back to – in this case filezilla – to /root (where command was run and the greeting wav will be seen as shown:

Import the wav then into whatever call director is required to have the greeting extracted from another.

One thought on “How to: Extract Greetings from Call Director

  1. Is adpcmget a recent command?
    I used to have to find the filename (in hex) and then copy from the server and convert.

    This is much better!

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